Save Energy - General Kitchen Water & Waste
1. Reuse glass jars, plastic food tubs, and zip lock
2. Use several cloth napkins instead of paper towels.
3. Use a reusable hemp or gold coffee filter instead
of paper coffee filters.
4. Fill a bowl with cold water to wash fruit and vegetables
with instead of running water from the faucet over them.
5. Turn the faucet on at a fraction of full volume for
things like washing hands and rinsing dishes to save
considerable amounts of water. Or better yet, keep a
bowl of water in the sink while preparing food for quickly
rinsing your hands.
6. Buy in bulk whenever possible to save on excess packaging
as well as money. Buy vegetables loose, not in plastic
7. Avoid plastic containers, they are made of different
types of plastic which are costly and difficult to separate
and recycle.
8. Keep a covered container of water in the fridge
for drinking - you won’t have to run the tap until
the water is cold every time you want a drink.
9. Compost scraps for use in your garden. Don’t
throw out all of those scraps; save landfill space &
make your own rich potting soil (Click
here for composting tips).
10. Don’t remodel with new materials. Consider
cabinets, flooring, and countertops made of recycled
and renewable resources.
Kitchen Ideas
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