Environmentally Friendly
Ideas for your Office Supplies
1. Use paper clips, staples, string or non-toxic glue
instead of adhesive tape when possible.
2. Use crayons, china markers (wax pencils) or coloured
pencils instead of solvent based markers.
3. Encourage your workplace to use alternative cleaning
materials such as the recipes found in this booklet.
4. Implement purchasing policies that consider the
environmental record of companies you are buying goods
and services from.
5. Use correction tape that covers errors or lifts
them off without the use of solvents. When you must
use fluid, use the water based type made for photocopiers.
6. Use stick-type glues or basic white glue. Avoid
glues and cements that emit the smell of solvents (ie.
rubber cement, hobby glue).
7. Use refillable pens and pencils rather than disposable
Environmentally Office Ideas
for Environmentally Friendly Office Supplies
Environmentally Friendly Office Paper Tips