1. Help educate your fellow students about the environment.
2. Make environmental studies part of every subject
taught in your school.
3. Start an anti-litter campaign at your school.
4. Pack a garbage-less lunch... take a reusable container
5. Before buying school supplies in September, take
a look at what you have left over from June.
6. Brainstorm environmental projects with other students
and teachers. You could clean up the environment from
the school yard to the river and beyond.
7. Join the environmental club if there is one or start
your own.
8. Request a non-toxic environment in your school.
Examine your school’s cleaning supplies, lawn
care, supplies and paint.
9. Ask your environmental group to come up with a list
of environmental guidelines for the school.
10. Walk or ride a bike to school. Organize a walking
school bus. Plan a route that allows you to pick up
people as you walk to school.
11. Use the public library for books and magazines
or give them away when you’re finished with them.